Most evenings Rob or I spend a few minutes with Cole, cuddling or just hanging out, one on one, before he goes to sleep for the night. A while ago I had an entertaining conversation with him and am just now writing about it. It had to do with the subject of engagement rings. I usually don’t wear mine, and for some reason I had worn my diamond ring and it had made quite an impression on Cole. We talked for a couple of minutes about the process of buying an engagement ring, how much a diamond costs, why people engage* in the tradition, and so on. I thought he had a kind of abstract interest in the process, seeing as how his mother owns one, but it seemed he was mainly interested in a particular facet** of it. Eventually we ended up here:
Cole: “Does the man always have to buy an engagement ring?”
Mom: “No, it’s something that you and whomever would probably agree upon. Not everyone wears engagement rings. It’s not something people do in Egypt, for example.”
Cole: “So I don’t have to buy one?”
Mom: “Not if you don’t want to, honey. Sometimes both men and women will wear engagement rings, it doesn’t have to be only for the girl.”
Cole: “What if she really wants me to buy one, do I still have to buy one even then? Can I just decide not to buy one?”
Mom: “I really don’t think you need to worry about this right now (!!)- if it’s so important to you then you’ll probably choose to marry someone who doesn’t care about such things.”
Cole thinks about all this for a minute. Then he finally says, with emphasis indicated:
“Oh,I’m never getting married, no, no, definitely _ never_ getting married”.
I guess we’ll have to look to Lena for grandkids…
* pardon the pun!
** okay, pun #2 and over the top- but I couldn’t resist!