Make it so

On New Year’s Day, we all went to the Tech Museum in San Jose to see the Star Trek exhibit.  Although i confess to watching Star Trek Voyager in its entirety, I am not much of a Star Trek fan. But I had a great time. There was a life size replica (or nearly life size) of the deck of the Enterprise from the 60s show.  Rob is sitting in the Captain’s chair.  As you can tell, only Cole got into the ‘spirit’ of the setting.

star trek1


  They also had replica’s of the Star Trek Next Generation corridors and rooms, including Picard’s quarters.  And we couldn’t resist the transporter room, where we got transported to another dimension – if you squint at the bottom of the picture you can see our legs as we ‘beam’ away.  We’ll let you know when we get back.

star trek transporter