Our bees, the final chapter

If it seems too incredible that we received a second swarm of bees within a week, how does a THIRD swarm of bees sound? Crazy, right? Because that’s what happened – a third swarm of bees settled in on top of the exact spot where the second swarm was found last Friday!! This time, we decided to keep them. That’s right. Keep the bees. We never intended to ever keep bees, but our neighbor Michael had brought over a wooden box with special bars that the bees could build combs on, and it just seemed churlish to send the bees away. We just couldn’t pick up the phone and call the Jeff the beekeeper one more time. So, now we have bees. A bona fide bee house is on order.


The bee swarm on the fence.


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Our neighbor, Gregory, sweeping the bees into the box Michael brought us (note Rob is holding back the rose bush with no gear on!).

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The bees going into the box.

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A close up of the bees.