Baseball Week

Cole and Robert in the A's Dugout
Cole and Robert in the A’s Dugout

Cole pointed out that last week was baseball week for us (from Monday to Sunday):

  • Monday, A’s / Giants game.  We went early and raised money for Cole’s Little League team, walking through the mass of tail gate parties.  Then we watched the A’s beat the Giants.
  • Tuesday, Cole went back to the Coliseum for another A’s victory over the Giants.
  • Wednesday, we went with one of Cole’s team mates to a batting cage in Richmond.
  • Thursday, baseball practice.
  • Friday, Cole and I went to the Oakland Coliseum to take Batting Practice on the field.  That was a lot of fun.  We played catch, hit balls, and played outfield / infield to shag balls off of other hitters.
  • Saturday, Cole’s team had a playoff game — his team won.  Highlights for us were Cole’s monster RBI triple.
  • Sunday, I base-umpired a playoff game.  Cole and I might make up a 2-man umpire team next year — he’ll be old enough then to be an umpire.

Tonight we have another playoff game.  Go Lookouts!

Here are a couple of more pictures from Friday at the Coliseum:

Cole standing in.
Cole standing in.
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Robert standing in.